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Make your own Countdown Clocks

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Twilight Obsession

I have become obessed with this is so well written and Stephanie Meyers is able to take your imagination to new levels, would definately recommend it...:) twilight Pictures, Images and Photos new moon Pictures, Images and Photos new moon Pictures, Images and Photos Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos twilight Pictures, Images and Photos


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Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well the Munchkin turned 3 today. I can not believe it, my little baby is growing up so fast. He is still the polite little boy that we are attempting to raise. His newest thing is when I explain why we can not do something, he comes back with "Oh, Right", like he knew it all along. He is such a little ham. He had a ball at Chuck E. Cheese, the only thing missing was his Daddy, who is still in out of the country. Mister is going to be so surprised at how much Munchkin has changed in 6 weeks.

Munchkin is also starting the potty training thing, and at school with his teacher he is doing great, to the point they are telling me no more pullups, at home is another story. He will hardly sit on the toilet. I am not giving up, but at least now we are making some progress, this time 3 weeks ago he would not even sit on a toilet. LOL

The other big thing in life, is I applied for a new job as a Nursing Supervisor at a Family Pratice Clinic in a town about 7 miles from my home. I was not going to do it, but they announced on Monday, that our group was not going to be allowed to Telecommute most likely until after 2009, and the reason was because they could not verify our productivity. I nearly blew a gasket, I have given my heart and soul to this company and this is the thanks I get. So it was easy to hit the submit button Monday night. I did not expect to hear anything until a couple of weeks, but I got a call on Thursday and I have an interview on this Monday. The pay could definately be more than I am making, plus the added benefit of commuting 7 miles vs 30 miles one way with today's gas prices would be great.

I am still really torn about leaving my current job, as I love all my coworkers and I have a lot of great friends. I just can't pretend to love it there anymore. I am bored, and I need some new challenges. I know they think I am the glue that holds that team together, but I have faith they can do it on their own. They have to when I leave for whatever new position whether sooner or later.

Well, going to go and sit and play with Munchkin...leave you with some of his pictures...

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