First and foremost, I realize that there are others in this big world, that are going thru much tougher and greater heartbreak than I, that said...this week has sucked.
I had to put my dog Sadie down on Thursday morning-she was a good old dog, who just wanted to be petted in this world, so she left this world with me petting her and telling her I loved her. She has led a good and spoiled life. I am now down to one dog, Kissa-which to my many friends will be in shock, cause usually I have three. Kissa is a bit lonely and paranoid right now, so she is getting a lot of loving right now.
The next thing is I took my hubby to the airport for his trip home to see his mom who is not doing well in the Philippines. He will be gone for 6 weeks and we will have min. contact. The sad part is he is missing Munchkin's 3rd birthday next month. Munchkin is already crying that he misses his Daddy and wants to find a plane and find his daddy.
Of course after my day, that just sends me into sobs...so we spent the night cuddling on the couch watching the Upside Down Show and such. Then my prescious little boy...gently wipes my tears and pats my hand and tells me I won't go mommy. God knew what he was doing when that little soul blessed my life.
Well I am already crying again..so I am going to scoot...need to get busy and stay busy for awhile.