Well, another my perfect Mister, finally got a speeding ticket. And you know what ladies, that is the best $113 dollars I will ever pay. For nearly 8 years I have had to listen to how he is perfect with his driving record, never had a wreck or a ticket and that he could talk he way out of any ticket. I have personally have had 3 tickets since I have started driving at 14, so I would say at 37, that is pretty darn good. So back to Mister, when he talk me, I think he thought I lost my mind. He was prepared for me to be angry at the waste of money. Here I was on the other end of phone cackling like there was no tomorrow. I was thrilled. My PERFECT MISTER, was no longer so perfect. I am probably evil for being so gleeful, but believe me when for nearly 8 years to have it rubbed in your face that he was perfect...there is a certain joy that he is not.
He was not too happy with my reaction, but over the last couple of hours, he realizes how silly he has been over the last 8 years, and now we are both laughing about. I happily wrote the check today for $113 to the Washington Transportation Department...the best donation I have ever made to our roads. :)
Now, I have to get to the real world and clean the storage room.
Have a great weekend all.
PS: Munchkin continues to make progress with toilet training.
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