For now that is what I will call her, until something comes to mind. The Creature is a person I work with. Have you ever had a person that just gets on your last nerve even her breathing makes you come unglued. Well, ladies, I am sad to say there is such a woman at my job. Now for those that don't know exactly what I do-I work for an insurance company as a complex case manager. She is also a case manager well when she is there she is suppose to be a case manager. Therein itself lies one of the big issues. This is a woman who from day of hire has managed to manipulate the attendance policy to her advantage including FMLA. Last year also she was "off on FMLA" for her 12 weeks, and then missed something like another 4 weeks throughout the year..so basically worked 10 weeks last year. Now tell me how that is possible or fair. She would call in and tell everyone she is sick-but come in all dolled up-new hair do, manicure and pedicure carrying her stupid 4lb dog...oh give me a flipping break. She has now had every major organ disease known to man-enlarged heart, fatty liver, ulcer, bad shoulder, bad back, migraines, IBS.
We are waiting anxiously for the next illness, cause then I think I will give her the number for a local hospice-as obviously she is dying.
The bigger issue is she never does her work-everytime she misses we end up cleaning up her cases-then she would come back never say thank you and then proceed to take her nice cleaned up cases and screw them up all over again. Then get mad when we stopped giving them back.
But back to the real reason for this post, my wonderful supervisor, feels she needs to be up next to me so she can watched and monitored. Now I ask you what earth did I do to deserve such punishment. I can not even stand the woman breathing, and now I have to listen to her all day...oh I pray for a quick death. I think I am praying for mine at the moment...LOL
The Creature continues to live and breath right next to me..I think I feel some migraines coming on and maybe I will also take a Creature day.
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