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Make your own Countdown Clocks

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Twilight Obsession

I have become obessed with this is so well written and Stephanie Meyers is able to take your imagination to new levels, would definately recommend it...:) twilight Pictures, Images and Photos new moon Pictures, Images and Photos new moon Pictures, Images and Photos Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos twilight Pictures, Images and Photos


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Monday, July 21, 2008

Nurses and Friendships

I went to lunch with a dear friend today, and we were having this conversation about not liking ourselves and hiding. First, I want you all to know, I resisted the urge to slap her up side the head..and she was driving and had already tried to run us into a tree. So one, be proud. :)
Just basically told us she had hid from the world this weekend and did not want to "bother us" as we have families. I am piping up from the backseat...'HELLO>>>>>that is what a friend is for you big goof.', so we can bring each other back to the real world and let them know that they are a needed person in this world. Slap them a couple of times to make it real. LOL

Now, this has had me thinking most of the day. Nurses suck as friends. Now, we are great listeners, we are compassionate, and we love to care. Now my understanding of friendship is that this need goes both ways, and as nurses we struggle with that part of needing of other people. We are the classic caregivers, but we don't want to be cared for.

Now comes the brilliant thought for the day-and let me tell you it wore me out...I am the same darn way. When I am down, blue, not liking myself too much..I hide and do not call my friends for a way out. So now I am like great, I need to be hit up side the head also, but I know that would not be good. It has shown me I need to practice what I preach.

Now I made a promise to myself, I would not name names on here, but if that person reads this, and they know who they are...thank you my dear friend.

You are a joy for me to have in my life, and I promise to start bugging you more when I am down if you will do the same. I love ya girlfriend.

For the rest of my friends, I treasure each of you. You each are special-not mentally challenged (though I know that it is close second for some of you), you all enrich my life so much more and knowing that I am better person for knowing you.

Thank you all

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