It is so hard to get my butt out of bed on Mondays, then to boot to drag my monkey's butt out of the bed too, just makes a charming start to the 5 day work week. The good thing this am is that monkey was dry and actually took a nap on the commode this am while he peed. So, I am all thrilled cause that really means we are starting to make headway on this whole potty training thing. Now we are both dressed and head down stairs, and I am bad, I sit him on the dining room table while I scurry around like a rat trying to make sure he has his juice, his Diego DVD for the car, blanky, backpack, and then my stuff..he decides that he is tired and proceeds to lay down on the table. By now I am now laughing my butt off because he is telling me he is going to stay with Mommy today while he is going to see Margaret-one of his beloved daycare teachers. Get out the door, and realize after he is loaded in the car, we forgot his DVD and I forgot my cell phone-which is most important since I seem to do most of my telephone talking commuting to work these days. Whew...now we are only 10 minutes...I know that once I drop him off, I can probably speed (after all not safe with a little one in the car), and I might just make it too work before 0730.
Well, darn I was only 3 minutes late...if only not for that darn construction truck this am...
Worked my day..wishing so much to just be able to go to bed..and now 1630 rolls around and I can leave and start my crazy evening with the monkey....
He is so happy to see me...telling me we need to go shopping..
What can I say ladies...a man after my own heart. :)
What can I say ladies...a man after my own heart. :)
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