So now that I have posted a little of my history, why am I doing this? One, I thought I would jump on the bandwagon of blogging, and second..so that maybe just maybe my little munchkin will know just how much joy he brings into my life. I have a wonderful life with my wonderful husband, known on here as Mister and my son known as Munchkin/Monster/Monkey, depending on what he has done. The other thing reason is to maybe sort out some of the craziness in my life having to be a full time working mom raising a toddler at 37 years old. I am a Registered Nurse and truly feel that Heavenly Father has placed this sacred calling on me and due to that feel that I can never truly be a stay at home mom. That said, I am also the main bread winner so I really have no choice. I have worked every gammitt of the nursing world and have paid my dues, I am now in a job that is 8 hours a day, M-F, no weekends, no on call and truly do not have to take it home with me. I still help people and that is the best part. My son is my world every other moment of the day. He is pretty much a mommy's boy, which I absolutely adore.
My son is almost 3, and he is such a joy. Everything he does is such a wonder to me. He will come up to me and give me a hug and say "I need you mommy.", let me tell you my heart just melts. I just love our times of sitting and cuddling and just reading books together. Mister does struggle with this as he never had a real father figure and is never sure were his place is this craziness. Hopefully he will realize his place is right here in the middle with me. People will see pictures of Munchkin on here all the time..after all he is my pride. LOL
I will hopefully talk about my job, my friends, and just do some venting. Hopefully I can make this thing work. So I just ask that people be patient and kind as I try and figure this blogging thing out...:)
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