Family Events

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Make your own Countdown Clocks

Twilight Obsession

I have become obessed with this is so well written and Stephanie Meyers is able to take your imagination to new levels, would definately recommend it...:) twilight Pictures, Images and Photos new moon Pictures, Images and Photos new moon Pictures, Images and Photos Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos twilight Pictures, Images and Photos


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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Pretty Boring Day

On the positive note, we now have a working refrigerator, it sucks living out of coolers for a week. The Thermostat and Defrost timer went out again, I guess we have a real lemon on our hands. When our service warranty runs out, I guess I get a new frig..LOL

Mister works weekends, so Munchkin and I went shopping-which he loves by the way, after the repair man left. Munchkin got a new puzzle and some legos. Then we bought a bunch of stuff at Costco and Freddie Meyers. Did not do much, except put things away and do dishes. After it cooled down a bit this evening I went out and weeded the front flower beds a bit.

The weather is suppose to turn yucky for a couple of days, so we will just hang out tomorrow and I will do the does that not sound like a rip roaring fun time. Maybe I be kind and cook Mister dinner tomorrow night when he gets home. LOL

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